Beth Daniel Jones, MA, EdS & Dr. Stephen Daniel present this two part teleclinic about rapidly healing the past with a new powerful tool: the Release Technique. The purpose of this teleclinic series is to show you a new way to heal the automatic patterns by which a person is unconsciously pulled out of the present moment and is reliving a past trauma. These patterns may be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. EFT, QT and Best Healing Solutions are very effective for clearing your own emotions. A live demonstration of how to use the Release Technique will be given.
Hosted by: Beth Daniel Jones, MA, EdS & Dr. Stephen Daniel
Part 1 Duration: 84 Minutes Transcript Included: 22 Pages
Part 2 Duration: 77 Minutes Transcript Included: 23 Pages
Also, included is the teleclinic series Clearing Frozen Emotional Fields:
Beth Daniel Jones, MA, EdS & Dr. Stephen Daniel present this teleclinic about clearing frozen emotions. Many times there is a frozen emotional field that blocks a person from healing a chronic physical and/or emotional issue. EFT, QT and Best Healing Solutions are very effective for clearing your own emotions. In their current application, EFT, QT and Best Healing Solutions have seemed unable to heal some specific chronic issues. If you feel you have done extensive physical and emotional work and still feel "stuck", this teleclinic is for you. Consider that many emotions and thoughts that you experience do not belong to you or were not your creation in the first place. In this teleclinic you learn more about our new successful technique for clearing these fields so that you may be free of them once and for all! We give you a step by step outline of how to clear frozen emotions. Demonstrations are included. Learning this technique requires that you be able to muscle test or use a pendulum accurately. This is the first in a series of stand alone teleclinics that do not require previous theoretical understanding for rapid healing. These techniques attempt to bridge chronic physical and emotional issues (which have been unconsciously driven) into present moment consciousness for rapid and permanent healing.
Hosted by: Beth Daniel Jones, MA, EdS & Dr. Stephen Daniel
Duration: 78 Minutes Transcript Included: 22 Pages