What is the Curtain Scan? You know how the curtain falls to the stage after a performance and you can no longer see what is behind it? Well, the same thing can happen in the body! A physical toxin or pathogen or condition can act as a curtain and block the body's healing intelligence from "seeing" and "tracking" what is behind it! The Curtain Scan shows you how to find and clear hidden fields so the body can go into a profound healing state. It includes two generic pathways for clearing curtains, as well as lists to test for the most common physical and non-physical curtain fields. In addition it teaches the more advanced lock and key curtain fields where the hidden fields contain two frequencies.
Prerequisites: Mastery of material in Truth Techniques or Bring in The Light of Truth Thru Muscle Testing class, and the Reconnection and Physical Scans.
Run time: 1 hour and 38 minutes