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BHS Select Advanced Module (Personal Session & Live Conference Call)

BHS Select Advanced Module (Personal Session & Live Conference Call)

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Participate in a live, group conference/training call online via Zoom led by Beth Daniel Jones, consisting of a 75 - 90 minute open forum on February 28th at 10 AM Pacific Time. The event will be recorded and saved for those unable to participate in the live event. In addition, receive a 45 minute personal session with Beth Daniel Jones, which must occur during the month of the group call.

NOTE: We require a minimum of 2 participants to hold the call. Please register at least 36 hours in advance. Thank you!

Prerequisites: Completion of the Level 1C class within the BHS Mastery program; OR understanding the following products in our store: Truth Techniques or Bring in The Light of Truth Thru Muscle Testing class, Reconnection and Physical Scan, Curtain Scan, and Cell Surface Receptor Scan.

Preparation: Please email your questions for the group call to Beth prior to the live event (beth@besthealingsolutions.com).

Pricing: $435 for Personal Training Session w/Beth Daniel Jones + Live Group Call